Dr. Suzanne Martin

Innovative Pilates teaching techniques

Asymmetry and Scoliosis Management Specialization Programs

Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis – Level 1 Essentials


Join us in January and February 2024! 

Dive deep!  We want to advance YOU as movement educators to a more important role in the health and wellness teams that work with scoliosis and asymmetry.

The course is presented in four modules over two weekends.  For each module there is pre-recorded self-study instruction and an INTERACTIVE live session over Zoom.

Enrollment Fee is $625, with Early Bird Pricing of $495 until January 26.

Enrollment Fee includes:

  • Pre-recorded material, available for the duration of the Course
  • Four modules over four days (two weekends), each a combination of pre-recorded material and a LIVE 2-hour online interactive session via Zoom.  Each Zoom session will be held at 6:30PM Eastern Time (US).
    • Module 1: Foundation of Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis Management  (January 27, 2024) 
    • Module 2: Identifying the Pattern, Initial Exercise Foundation, Breaking Up the Pattern (January 28, 2024)
    • Module 3: Summary of Framework, Re-Directing the Pattern, Programming, Gait Case Study  (February 3, 2024)
    • Module 4: Wrap-Up Discussion (February 4, 2024)
  • 18 CEC Certificate of Continuing Education (NPCP), 16 Contact hours credit available for California Physical Therapy Association (CaPTA), and additional confirmation of completion as needed

Some lovely comments from our participants…

Thank you so much for an amazing course!   …   I have been using many of the exercises on myself and with my clients and have seen benefits and changes already!   …   This has been such a wonderful and thorough series. I really appreciate your wisdom and compassionate approach.


Learn the differences between functional versus structural scoliosis, and their varying causes. Train your eye to the individual differences each client uniquely owns, their “scolio-cues” for correctives. Learn functional assessment techniques that help to direct intervention for the biomechanical implications of curvature not only at the separate spinal curves but throughout the whole body.  Create a profile to help you and your client better understand their present postures and strategies.

As a Pilates Method Movement Educator, you can and should be part of the modern multidisciplinary care team.  Learn new exercises, modalities and a NEW APPROACH to helping your clients with scoliosis and spinal asymmetry!

It’s recommended that students have The Activ-Wedge® and Dr. Martin’s new book, Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis: Movement and Function Solutions for the Spine, Ribcage, and Pelvis (2018, Handspring Publishers).  If you don’t already have these, please look for the links below.  Note that these are separate purchases and not included in the course cost.

This class is approved for 16 Continuing Education contact hours by California Physical Therapy Association (CaPTA) and 18 hours for the National Pilates Certification Program® (NPCP).


Additional information


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