New for 2024! Interactive Zoom/Self Study Training

Pilates Therapeutics

Dr. Suzanne Martin

Innovative Pilates teaching techniques

NEW! ACTIV-WEDGE® Fitness Video Series

Assessment/ Creating a Client Profile (30 minutes)
Activ-Wedge® on the Mat (40 minutes)
Activ-Wedge® on the Apparatus (60 minutes)

Dr. Martin originally designed the Activ-Wedge® for use in the Pilates environment for clients with scoliosis.  The Activ-Wedge® is useful for any client with asymmetries, and is portable for home and office use. The name Activ-Wedge® distinguishes its use from other wedge products often used for passive stretching and positional release. The Activ-Wedge® promotes active movement to achieve better balance.

Presented with detailed instructions, each video contains an introduction further describing the Wedge. The featured demonstrator is Pilates instructor and physical therapist Lorna Roza, who has scoliosis.

The Assessment, Creating a Client Profile, provides a toolkit of observation assessments: Global Posture Observation, Sagittal Side View Observation, and Additional Observation from the Anterior View. Special attention is given to the details of muscle tone observation, bone alignments, tongue use, eye dominance testing and general posture types. Scoliometer® instructions and demonstration are also included.

Activ-Wedge® on the Mat is divided into 10 sections. Each details how to use Activ-Wedge® with positions from the Neurodevelopmental Sequence as a framework for mat use: Supine, Prone, Side-lying, Seated, Kneeling, Half- Kneeling, Z-sit, Quadruped, Retrograde Poses, Standing.

Activ-Wedge® on the Apparatus has 8 sections. They detail how to use Activ-Wedge® with positions from the Neurodevelopmental Sequence as a framework for mat use: Supine, Prone, Seated, Kneeling, Half- Kneeling, Z-Sit, Quadruped, Retrograde Poses, Standing. Apparatus use includes the Universal Reformer, Trapeze Table, and Wunda Split Pedal Chair.

Information On This Site Is NOT Intended To Replace The Personal Interaction Of A Qualified Health Care Provider And Is Not Intended As Medical Advice.  If you suspect you are having a medical emergency, contact your doctor or dial 911 immediately. Pilates Therapeutics LLC and Dr. Suzanne Martin do not recommend or advise against any specific procedures, medical professionals, medical products, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on this website.

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