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Dr. Suzanne Martin

Innovative Pilates teaching techniques

The Pelvic Core: Distance Education Course


Focus on the therapeutic application of the Pilates Method in balancing the pelvis in relation to the spine and lower extremities. Learn mat exercises and strategies to address pelvic obliquity and its ramifications into the spine and lower extremities.

List of Objectives

  • Describe the skeletal anatomy of the pelvis, with its gender differences, and its relationship to the spine and lower extremities
  • Explain the physical dynamics of the pelvis
  • Describe the best postural positions and relationship of the head, back, pelvis and lower extremities in relation to the center of gravity
  • Explain the importance of the intervertebral discs, and the impact of posture upon their health
  • Facilitate the use of the inner unit and describe its importance in the stability of the low back
    Apply the Beighton criteria for hypermobility with their clients
  • Describe the role of the use of the Pilates Method in lumbar stabilization
  • Describe the neurodevelopmental sequence and its importance to gait
  • Learn and experiment with 24 Pilates-based mat exercises specifically designed to promote balancing of imbalanced pelvic musculature and so improve low back stability and optimal lower extremity mechanics

Target Audience

Physical Therapists and PT Assistants (CAPTA)
California Nurses (CA Board of Registered Nursing)

Educational Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Special Needs Requests will be accommodated wherever possible. Pilates Therapeutics is committed to 100% customer satisfaction.

Information On This Site Is NOT Intended To Replace The Personal Interaction Of A Qualified Health Care Provider And Is Not Intended As Medical Advice.  If you suspect you are having a medical emergency, contact your doctor or dial 911 immediately. Pilates Therapeutics LLC and Dr. Suzanne Martin do not recommend or advise against any specific procedures, medical professionals, medical products, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on this website.

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